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4 ene 20222 Min. de lectura
Final thoughts about Wix
Final thoughts about Wix. Has my opinion changed since October? Well, yes and no.
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2 ene 20222 Min. de lectura
New Year and exams
I have one education-related resolution: I will not make students take test exams where they will have points taken away for wrong answers.
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23 nov 20213 Min. de lectura
Assignments, stress and lack of time
Assignments are a good way of learning life skills, but they can be very stressful if they aren't planned well.
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20 nov 20213 Min. de lectura
Gamification and video games
I've always wondered how teachers came up with ideas to gamify their classes.
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13 nov 20213 Min. de lectura
The fun of game based learning
I don't remember playing a lot of games in high school during classes. A few, yes, but not many.
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30 oct 20213 Min. de lectura
The unfortunate reality of cooperative learning
Cooperative learning sounds wonderful on paper, but is it always like that?
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17 oct 20215 Min. de lectura
I love online classes!
Remote classes aren't a new and weird way of teaching anymore. What was once weird became necessary in the span of a week.
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9 oct 20214 Min. de lectura
Grit and the growth mindset
My first thought was "Great! That sounds awesome!". A few seconds later, my train of thought eached the "Wait a minute!" stage.
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